About :

As I float down the river of time, I've found myself with an increasing desire to express and preserve my ideas in an organized way. Not necessarily for anyone to see, but merely for the sake of cataloging my worldview in a way that makes sense. Here, you can find the art, code, poetry, and essays I produce as I find my soul increasingly tied to an omnipresent digital identity. Something between a portfolio and a journal, I guess.

Throughout these essays, poems, and other creations you will likely see a lot of references to what I call the Wired. You can read more about what that means in the article at the top of the page. Beyond an aesthetically fitting reference to a very good anime, the Wired, put simply, is a somewhat nebulous term I use to refer to the technological interfaces that are becoming increasingly enmeshed with not just our daily lives, but our souls as well.

I chose the Wired as the medium for this project for a very specific reason. As a human living in the 21st century, I am no stranger to the ways in which we depend on technology. Much like a moth flying into flame, I find myself more and more fixated on my digital persona - more and more dependent on it for work, school, socialization, and basically every other aspect of life. Much of what I share here will be my thoughts on this, and the impact that technology has on us as individuals.

Be warned, much of it reads like a proverbial monkey thrashing against its cage in a zoo, angry at forces it does not understand, desperately wishing to be free from them. I thought that presenting this "thrashing" against the Wired - the very cage that traps us - on the Wired would be a fitting irony.

I hope you find something here that resonates with you.
-Mako, March 2023